
Showing posts from December, 2022


 UNIT-VII Humour Working with words A. The following words are synonyms and antonyms of the verb ‘laugh’. Group them into synonyms and antonyms. chuckle      chortle      grimace      crackle      frown      pout      snicker      scowl      smile      cry      groan      moan         sniggle      giggle          grin            sob            smirk        whoop Synonyms Antonyms Chuckle Sob Chortle Cry Crackle Grimace Giggle Frown Grin Scowl Smile Pout Smirk Groan Snicker Moan Sniggle   Whoop                                                                            B. Match the following emotions with their definitions. a.   fear                  i.          a feeling of strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant b.   anger               ii.         affec


 UNITI-VI Money and Economy Working with words A. Match the given words with their meanings. Words                                      Meanings a. prominent                             i. an instance of buying or selling of something b. vulnerable                            ii. the power or opportunity to do something before others do c. potentially                            iii. to introduce a new plan or product d. transaction                           iv. exposed to the possibility of being attacked / harmed e. initiatives                             v. strong and unlikely to break or fall f. launched                               vi. standing out so as to be seen easily, conspicuous g. enduring                               vii. the act of examining a problem to discover truth h. robust                                   viii. with the capacity to develop or happen in the future ix. lasting over a period of time; durable Answer : a           -            v