
Showing posts from November, 2022


  Unit-II Family Working with words A. Find the words from the text and solve the puzzle. Clues are given below. ACROSS 1. the custom of having more than one wife at the same time:  polygamy 5. to find an acceptable way of dealing with opposing ideas, needs etc.:  reconcile 6. the process in which towns, streets, etc. are built where there was once countryside:              urbanization 7. the process by which somebody learns to behave in an acceptable way in their society:  socialization DOWN 1. ruled or controlled by men:  Patriarchal 2. the act of taking over a position:  succession 3. done in a way without caring if people are shocked:  blatant 4. single-parent:  one parent B. Find the meanings of the following family-related words and use them in your own sentences.      1 . Nuclear family :  a family group that consists only of parents and children           Example :    I have a nuclear family, which includes me, my brother, and my parents.       2.   Monogamy : is defined as t


Unit-I Critical Thingkig Working with words A. Find the words from the text that match with the following meanings.           a. Shuffling walking by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground           b. Doodling drawing pictures or patterns while thinking about something else           c.  Plaque a piece of flat metal with writing on it           d.  Precept a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought           e.  Sneak move or go in a furtive or stealthy way B. Consult your teacher and define the following thinking skills. a.      Convergent thinking: Using our memories, the resources around us, or reasoning, convergent thinking is the act of coming up with the best response to a topic or problem. It doesn't require a lot of creativity. For problem - solving and critical or difficult situations, it is not the ideal approach. Instead, it employs fairly simple mental processes, tested methods, and memory recall to ge


  TENSE The word ‘tense’ is derived from the Latin word "tempus," which means time. Tense is the form in which a verb expresses when an action is, was, or will be performed. Based on the time frame, when the action is taking place, we can divide or categorize tenses into three types. Present Past Future The following section deals with the present tense forms in active and passive. Present Tense 1. Simple Present      ·        Forms              P ositive :            S + V1/V5 + O              Negative :         S + do not/does not + V1 (Root Form) + O              Interrogative :  Do/Does + S + V1 (Root Form) + O + ·        Use: Simple present is used (to express):         i .    f or habitual and repeated actions.                Example :      She  always  goes for a morning walk.                          Mike brushes his teeth  twice a day .          ii .       f o r general and universal truths.                Example:   Cow eats grass. (General truth as it eats other